Course Materials
35,119 Certified Grads since 1992

Course Materials

From teaching across age and proficiency levels to multiple intelligence theory and sample grammar lessons, our course materials reflect a comprehensive range of ESL knowledge and teaching expertise. As part of the extensive materials and resources included with our course, you will recieve The Oxford Seminars Course Pack, our industry-leading 490-page training manual, and a detailed course handbook. You will find these resources useful both during the course and in subsequent overseas teaching positions.



Oxford Seminars Course Pack
392 pages
An accomplished and informative course pack designed with multiple texts to provide a concentrated reading supplement, working to compliment the Oxford Seminars' curriculum. This encompassing course pack provides additional resources for classroom management, teaching grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, speaking, listening, reading, writing, and much more.
TESOL/TESL Certification Course Training Manual
Oxford Seminars' TESOL/TESL/TEFL Certification Course Training Manual
 490 pages
A powerful reference manual for students to learn firsthand how to successfully teach English in multicultural settings and how to organize the teaching workload while enjoying their new surroundings. This industry-leading manual provides valuable insights into classroom management techniques, role-playing activities, lesson planning ideas, the role of the teacher, using one’s voice, effectively talking to students, and dealing with culture shock. A practical tool for both beginner as well as experienced teachers, this manual provides readers with a step-by-step guide for teaching grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, speaking, listening, reading, writing, and much more.
Oxford Seminars' 100-Hour Course Handbook
Oxford Seminars' 120-Hour Course Handbook
46 pages
An in-depth, informative handbook to guide you on your journey from taking our course to teaching English abroad. This comprehensive handbook includes tips for how to succeed in our course, instructions for crafting engaging ESL resumes and cover letters, and effective interview strategies. It will also introduce you to the valuable resources provided through My Oxford Seminars and explain how you can connect with your personal job search advisor to find an exciting teaching position abroad.