FAQ: What Sould I Be Aware Of When Applying for Teaching Positions On My Own?
35,119 Certified Grads since 1992

FAQ: Negotiating a Contract

What should I look for in my contract?

I have decided to look for work on my own. Can the Job Placement Service still help me?

What should I be aware of when applying for teaching positions on my own?

Will trying to negotiate a contract make me a less desirable candidate?

What should I be aware of when applying for teaching positions on my own?

  • Our Global ESL Schools Directory is a great resource for conducting your own job search.
  • On occasion, fraudulent teaching opportunities circulate through the Internet and appear on job boards. While at times easily detectable, some are well camouflaged. If a contract sounds too good to be true, it likely is. Keep the following in mind when searching for teaching positions on your own:
    • Never send money to schools or recruiters. If a school asks you to send money to secure your housing or pay for your visa fees up front, be wary. Contact the country's embassy in your area to determine the cost and correct procedure for obtaining a work visa.
    • Protect your identity. Some schools will ask you to send your passport information page to ensure you meet the visa requirements of their country. This is a legitimate request, however, until you are certain of the school's legitimacy, simply block the passport number on a photocopy of your passport and send that in order to provide them with the information they require. Once a school is screened and a contract is signed they may need the passport number to process your work visa.
  • Oxford Seminars' Job Placement Service has established trusted relationships with recruiters and schools in many places around the world so our graduates can find safe and reliable teaching positions.