Teach English in Taiwan: Living in Taiwan
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Teaching English in Taiwan: Living in Taiwan

If living in a vibrant city on a tropical island, experiencing another culture, and gaining teaching experience is a dream of yours, Taiwan may be your ideal destination. With its rugged mountains, unique landforms, and stunning coastlines, this island is a unique draw to ESL teachers and tourists alike.

Living and Teaching in Taiwan
Taiwan: At a Glance
Taiwan: Living in Taiwan
Taiwan: Teaching ESL in Taiwan
Taiwan: Financial Snapshot


Why Teach in Taiwan
What to Know About Living in Taiwan
Transportation in Taiwan
Etiquette in Taiwan
Language in Taiwan
Eating in Taiwan
Climate in Taiwan
Holidays in Taiwan


Why Teach in Taiwan

Taiwan boasts a major ESL teaching market, and is a great choice for those who want to teach with friends or earn a good salary. Its bullet train allows you to easily enjoy most of Taiwan's major cities, and its beaches - truly unique for their pristine seclusion and lack of tourist traffic - rival the beauty of any in Thailand or Mexico.

What to Know About Living in Taiwan

Many ESL teaching contracts in Taiwan include a housing allowance or access to school-owned apartments. The low cost of living, relatively high salaried positions, and school assistance securing accommodations, make Taiwan a very popular destination for ESL teachers.

Studio or one-bedroom apartments tend to be the most popular accommodation choices for ESL teachers. Another popular and cost effective choice is to share two- or three-bedroom apartments with colleagues. Housing costs vary between cities and districts, with Taipei typically ranked as the most expensive region.

Studio apartments are usually furnished with a bed, armoire, AC, desk and chair. Some apartments may also come with a microwave, hot plate, or toaster oven. Having a TV and fridge could be an extra expense. Monthly rent for this type of apartment can range in cost, with apartment prices in Taipei being generally higher than in most other cities in Taiwn. Similar to studio apartments, one-bedroom apartments - if furnished - typically come with a bed, armoire, desk and chair, fridge, and AC. Monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Taipei can range from approximately NT$10,000 - 15,000. A furnished two- or three-bedroom apartment, which can be shared among teachers, would cost approximately NT$20,000 - 35,000/month.

Services are generally a separate fee on top of rent and can include garbage collection, lighting for hallways, and security, costing approximately NT$1,000/month. Utilities usually include electricity, water, and gas and cost approximately NT$2,300/month. High-speed internet costs approximately NT$750/month.

One can expect to pay a two-month deposit, plus one month's rent (three-month rent total) in advance when signing an apartment agreement. Room rentals may ask for just one month's rent deposit in advance.


Most ESL contracts in Taiwan do not include airfare; however, contracts vary between schools and the inclusion of airfare may depend upon the length of contract signed and the teacher’s qualifications

Health Benefits

All legitimate businesses and schools in Taiwan have access to government health insurance and most schools would include this benefit in their contracts. While only a percentage of the premiums may be covered by schools, the health care itself is excellent and still very affordable.

Having independent health care insurance from one’s home country may be prudent for the first few months in Taiwan until benefits with the school are fully activated.

 Retirement Age

In recent years, Taiwan’s official retirement age has risen from 60 to 65 years of age. While schools have a strong preference for hiring candidates between the ages of 20 - 40, there are opportunities for ESL teachers up to age 50 but they are not as easy to find.

Communications Technology

Taiwan is one of the electronics manufacturing centres of the world and is considered ‘cutting edge’ in many respects. ESL teachers will find access to Internet and phone services easy and affordable.  If they do not have Internet at their place of residence, which is unlikely unless living in a remote region, their school will likely provide this to staff during working hours. Most coffee shops and restaurants offer free Wi-Fi to customers. 


Mobile phones are relatively inexpensive to purchase in Taiwan and require use of a SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card. The SIM card can be reloaded by use of calling cards, which are available everywhere. The purchase of a SIM card usually requires one to two pieces of identification, one of which must be a valid Alien Residency Card (ARC). International calling cards can be purchased at reasonable rates and are also readily accessible. Public telephones (coin or card operated) can be found throughout cities in Taiwan. Mobile phone data plans are quite affordable in Taiwan.


Most room rentals will include internet. Obtaining an Internet connection at a private apartment, while affordable, may require a passport and Taiwanese guarantor. As an alternative, Internet cafes are plentiful and surfing time is inexpensive. Unlimited phone data plans are also relatively affordable.

Western Food

Western restaurants/cafés are becoming a common part of the landscape in Taiwan with many to choose from, including:

  •  T.G.I. Friday’s
  • Tony Roma’s
  • Ponderosa Steakhouse
  • Outback Steakhouse
  • Chili’s
  • McDonald’s
  • KFC
  • Burger King
  • Subway
  • Domino's Pizza
  • Pizza Hut
  • Starbucks (150 outlets in Taipei alone!)

The introduction of Costco to Taiwan has been a great addition for Western shoppers. Nabisco and Frito-Lay, among other popular brands, have found their way into local grocery stores, as well as Western chocolate and ice cream. Coffee is now widely available and popular as the numerous Starbucks locations in Taipei would indicate. While import foods are still quite expensive, many items can be found in major grocery chain stores and hypermarkets. Taking a modest supply of one’s favorite foods is not uncommon among foreigners.

Transportation in Taiwan


Taxis are generally a cheap way to travel, especially when traveling with a friend. If you choose to travel by taxi, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Flagging a taxi is best, as opposed to using those sitting and waiting for customers.
  • Ask other foreign teachers which taxi companies are safe and reliable.
  • Choose a taxi that is metered, and make sure the meter is working before getting in.
  • Choose a taxi driver that appears to be well-groomed with a well-kept car.
  • Make note of, and use, the driver’s name.
  • Follow your instincts; if you feel unsafe, remove yourself from the taxi and get another.
  • Carry a map so that you can point to where you wish to travel.

Train and Subway

The train system in Taiwan includes high speed trains (THSR) along the west coast, express trains that travel between cities, and other, slower trains which travel between towns. The trains are typically packed on weekends, but relatively empty during the week.

Taipei and Kaohsiung have mass rapid transit systems (MRT) which are quite popular, and relatively inexpensive. In Taipei, tickets range from NT$20 - 65 depending upon the distance.  In Kaohsiung, fares range from NT$20 - 60 depending on distance. Both systems stop at major tourist attractions, a popular feature for ESL teachers who want to explore these cities. Day passes are also available and are a good option for those setting out for a full day of urban exploration.


City buses are readily available in the capital, Taipei. There are fewer available in other cities throughout the island, but this is starting to change. Buses generally run on the half-hour and fares are approximately NT$15 - 25, depending on the zone of travel. In smaller city centres, routes are not as extensive or frequent as they are in Taipei, making other modes of transportation, such as a scooter, more appealing and feasible.

Other Modes of Transportation


The scooter tends to be the most popular mode of transportation for teachers in light of its cost, availability, and the ability to get around quickly in traffic. Many ESL teachers purchase scooters. An ARC (Alien Resident Card) is required upon purchase. Second-hand scooters are readily available and can be purchased for approximately NT$10,000 – 40,000, and new scooters start at approximately NT$50,000. They can also be rented at a very reasonable rate, if you have a valid international or local motorcycle licence.

Tips When Using a Scooter:

  • Wear a helmet!
  • If purchasing your own scooter, take care to ensure that all the paperwork and insurance are in your name. As well, ensure that it is secured while it is parked or stored. 
  • If you are driving a scooter, practice in a safe area before using it on the main roads.
  • Be cautious! Roads in Taiwan tend to be full of aggressive drivers, making this type of transportation potentially dangerous. 


The bicycle is a common mode of transportation among Taiwanese and foreigners. Street or trail bikes can be purchased at a very reasonable price, and shops selling new and used bicycles are quite common in cities across the country.

Tips When Riding a Bicycle:

  • Wear a helmet!
  • Wear a mask over your mouth and nose to mitigate the affects of pollution.
  • Take an extra shirt to school as hot temperatures will make for a sweaty ride.
  • Ensure that your bicycle, if purchased in Taiwan, was not stolen and resold.
  • Ensure that your bicycle is well-secured when parked or stored.

Motor Vehicles

Some ESL teachers choose to purchase a used car if they have plans to stay in Taiwan for two or more years. An ARC (Alien Resident Card) and a local or international driver’s licence are necessary for the purchase of a vehicle.

Etiquette in Taiwan

The Taiwanese are a gracious, respectful, family-oriented, and hard-working people. They value humility and patience, and are careful to guard the honour of family and others. A slight nod of the head is the most common greeting among new acquaintances in Taiwan with handshakes among those who have an established friendship. Introductions are usually made by a third party. Rarely would someone introduce themselves, unless alone with another person. That said, Taiwan is a very modern nation and traditional cultural norms are rapidly changing, especially among younger generations.

General Etiquette

The following are some helpful guidelines for etiquette. Taking the time to learn common etiquette is a compliment to the culture in which one is living.

  • While the nod is the most common greeting among the Taiwanese, the handshake is also common and expected among foreigners. Handshakes are not typically firm.
  • Greet the eldest person in the group first as a sign of respect.
  • Taiwanese will generally lower their eyes as a sign of respect when being introduced.
  • Address others by using their title and surname. Using one’s first name is usually done when there is a greater level of familiarity. It is best to wait until invited to use the first name before doing so.
  • Teachers should wear business attire in the classroom unless otherwise instructed.
  • Avoid touching anyone on the head as it is disrespectful.
  • Gift-giving is common in Taiwan and has some well-established guidelines. Consulting a Taiwanese friend before giving a gift would be wise. Remember to give and receive gifts with both hands and wait until you are in private before opening a gift.
  • Remove shoes when entering someone’s home. Slippers are usually provided, but it is best to take a pair of socks along with you when visiting.
  • Tipping is expected for those offering services such as porters or hairstylists, but not expected for taxis or waiters. Restaurants will add a gratuity of 10% to the bill.
  • Patience is sometimes required when ascertaining the meaning of someone’s message, as brevity in communication is uncommon.
  • As modesty is highly valued in Taiwan, playing down a compliment paid to you is considered proper etiquette.
  • “Saving face” is an important part of Taiwanese culture and as such, showing respect, paying compliments, and avoiding harsh confrontation and blame is very important.

Dining Etiquette

Dining etiquette in Taiwan has some similarities to other Asian cultures as well as its own unique aspects. Unless there is a well-established relationship, dining together as a group would generally take place at a restaurant instead of in one’s home. The host of the meal makes order selections, initiates toasts, serving food and eating, and pays the bill. When in doubt about proper etiquette to follow, it is always helpful to follow the lead of other guests. As chopsticks are the utensil of choice, getting used to using them before dining out would be a good idea. Following are some dining hints:

  • Arrive on time and dress in business attire.
  • If dining at someone’s home, remove shoes before entering.
  • Greet the host and most elderly before greeting others.
  • Wait for the host to assign seating and to begin eating.
  • Always try to leave a small portion of the meal on your plate to show the host/hostess has provided an adequate amount of food.
  • Avoid putting bones in your bowl or on your plate; rather, put them on a specific plate provided or directly on the table.
  • It is best not to ask for additional condiments beyond what is already on the table.
  • To avoid being given more to drink, leave a small amount in your glass.
  • At the end of your meal, place your chopsticks on the chopstick holder as opposed to putting them across the plate.
  • Never stand your chopsticks up in your bowl.  This is considered an offering for the dead and should only be done during ceremonies honoring deceased loved ones.
  • A belch is not uncommon during a public meal as it is simply an indication that one is enjoying it.
  • The serving of tea is an indication that the meal is coming to an end.
  • Offering to contribute to the meal is polite but should not be insisted upon, as the host generally pays for the meal.
  • Using a toothpick at the table is acceptable; however, cupping your free hand over your mouth is important during its use.
  • If it is within your means, reciprocating with a meal of comparable value is considered polite.

Language in Taiwan

The Chinese language is often thought of as a language family because it combines many local dialects with commonly used Mandarin as its base. In some parts of southern Taiwan people speak Taiwanese but Mandarin is the official and most commonly spoken language.  

Throughout history, many people around the world have marvelled at the written word of the Chinese and how detailed and unique it is compared to the characters of other world languages. The characters of the Chinese language have undergone a series of historical changes. During the mid-20th Century, the Chinese government worked to develop simplified Chinese while the Taiwan government decided to stay with traditional Chinese.  Most phrasebooks are written for mainland China so if you are using a Chinese phrasebook, remember to be patient as the writing is different and may not be comprehensible to Taiwanese citizens.

It is fairly easy to find Chinese language lessons in most North American urban regions. Learning Chinese is definitely worthwhile for an English teacher before they begin an ESL career in Taiwan. In the meantime, here are some useful Chinese phrases to practice and remember:

  • Hello
    Ni hao
  • Thank you
    Xie xie
  • How much does this cost?
    Duo shao qian?
  • Where is the toilet?
    Ce suo zai nar?
  • My name is _______.
    Wo jiao _______.
  • Good bye
    Zai jian
  • Doctor
    Yi sheng
  • Where is_______?
    ______ zai nar?
  • Where am I?
    Zher shi shen me di fang?
  • How do I get to ________?
    Dao ___________ zen me zou?
  • Where can I catch a taxi?
    Zai nar cheng chu zu che?
  • Bus station
    Gong gong qi che
  • Excuse me
    Bu hao yi si

A pocket phrasebook would be an invaluable purchase. Even if pronouncing a particular word feels unrealistic, pointing to the word in a phrasebook (providing that it includes the Traditional Chinese characters) may prove very helpful. Mobile phone translation apps are also a must-have, especially when travelling.

Eating in Taiwan

Taiwanese Cuisine

The consensus among foreigners is that Taiwan is “food heaven”. Visiting local food markets gives one a sense of the huge variety of fruits, vegetables, and other types of food available. Taiwanese cuisine centers on rice, seafood, and vegetables, and is generally flavored with pork fat. Spices often include ginger, anise, soy sauce, salt, and pepper. Dried fish, fermented beans, and some chili peppers (lightly flavored) are often used. Dairy products were traditionally quite uncommon in the Taiwan diet; however, with Western influence, they are now widely available. Taiwan is also famous for its night markets, which offer intrepid eaters an incredible variety of street foods to sample.

Popular food choices for foreigners include:

  • Shui Jiao (boiled dumplings with pork and/or vegetables)
  • Zheng Jiao (steamed dumplings with pork and/or vegetables)
  • Mochi (sweet snack dipped in peanut powder & filled with a variety of pastes)
  • Steamed Buns (variety of savory meats inside)
  • Chow Mein (pan-fried noodles with vegetables and/or meat)
  • Ji Si Tang Mian (soup noodles with chicken)
  • Xian Yu Tang  (fish soup)
  • Shaved Ice (with a variety of toppings to choose from)

A helpful practice is to make a note of food preferences after sampling various dishes at functions or enjoying a meal ordered at a restaurant, as it is very easy to forget the Taiwanese names of items.

Climate in Taiwan

Taiwan enjoys a sub-tropical climate with moderate temperatures in the North, and a tropical climate in the South. The country’s average annual temperature is approximately 23Celsius rising to 35Celsius in the summer. The most dominant fluctuations in weather occur during the spring and winter seasons, with weather during summer and autumn maintaining stable temperatures.

There are four seasons in Taiwan, which some contend could be abbreviated to two: a hot season and a cool season.

Spring - Usually runs from March to June, with temperatures beginning to climb to meet the hot months of summer. The early monsoon rains start in May in the southern regions.

Summer - Generally June to September with the temperature averaging 28Celsius. The tropical breezes from the Pacific Ocean keep the island from becoming too hot. Monsoon rains typically begin in June and last through October.

Fall – Generally from mid-September to October. Temperatures begin to drop, however remain very pleasant. The latter part of the monsoon rains occur during the fall season in the northern parts of the country.

Winter – Typically lasts from November to February. Temperatures average 15-18Celsius. Due to the high humidity, most people find multiple layers of clothing works best in the northern regions of Taiwan, while a sweater or light jacket is sufficient outerwear for the southern regions.

Natural Disasters

Taiwan is familiar with earthquakes and the threat of high intensity monsoons. Being situated on the western edge of the Pacific Rim earthquake belt, an extremely active tectonic region, and its location in a subtropical area with high average temperatures and high precipitation, makes it vulnerable to these types of natural disasters.

Examples of extreme natural disasters include the Chi-Chi earthquake of 1999, which killed more than 2,400 and injured more than 11,000 people. The earthquake completely destroyed over 8,500 buildings and seriously damaged another 6,200.  Typhoon Morakot of August, 2009 was the deadliest storm to hit the island in recorded history. 

In response to these and other natural disasters, the government of Taiwan and partner NGOs (Non governmental organizations) are involved in ongoing efforts to create disaster readiness and relief plans. Pay attention to local weather warnings and dress/act accordingly.

Holidays in Taiwan

Several holidays in Taiwan are still based on the lunar calendar, and as such occur on different dates each year. Additionally, the government reserves the right to change event dates in order to ensure greatest productivity in the workplace. Schools typically abide by these changes and so have learned to become somewhat flexible with scheduling. 

Below is a list of the primary holidays celebrated in Taiwan:

Founding Day of the Republic of China - January 1 
Official birthday of Asia’s first democratic republic 

Spring Festival - January or February (1st day of first lunar month)
Known as Chinese New Year in the west. Three- to five-day celebration throughout Asia

Memorial Day - February 28 
A day to celebrate ongoing peace

Children's Day - April 4 
A day focused on honouring model students

Tomb Sweeping Day - April 5 
Opportunity for respects to be formally paid at ancestors’ graves

Labor Day - May 1 
Celebrating the advancement of workers’ rights and interests

Dragon Boat Festival - June 1 
A festival for warding off evil and disease, and celebrated with dragon boat races

Autumn Festival - September or October (15th day of the eighth lunar month) 
A time for family reunions and looking forward to a bountiful harvest in the following year

Double Tenth National Day - October 10 
Celebration of the nation’s birthday

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